How to Store Pottery Clay: 5 Easy Storage Tips

How to Store Pottery Clay?

Have you ever wondered how to properly store pottery clay to ensure its longevity? Many potters struggle to find the best storage methods that preserve the clay’s moisture content and prevent mold growth. Whether you work with moist clay or dry clay, there are essential techniques and practices you should know to maintain the quality and workability of your pottery clay. In this article, we will explore five easy storage tips for pottery clay that will help you store clay properly, prevent mold growth, and optimize its longevity.

How to store pottery clay

Storing Moist Pottery Clay

When it comes to storing moist pottery clay, proper preservation is crucial in order to prevent it from drying out and becoming moldy. Follow these essential tips to ensure the longevity and workability of your clay:

  1. Sealed Bags: The best way to store moist clay is by tightly sealing it in thick plastic bags. This prevents any air from entering and drying out the clay.
  2. Plastic Storage Container: After sealing the clay in bags, place them inside a plastic storage container for added protection. This helps maintain a stable moisture level and prevents any external factors from affecting the clay.
  3. Light and Cool Storage Location: Choose a storage location that is both light and cool. Excessive heat or direct sunlight can cause the clay to dry out, while darkness and high humidity can promote mold growth. Find a balance by keeping the clay in an area with indirect light and moderate temperature.
  4. Regular Inspections: Don’t forget to regularly check on your stored clay. Inspect it for any signs of mold growth or drying out. If you notice any issues, take action immediately to prevent further damage.

“Proper storage techniques are essential to preserving the quality and workability of moist pottery clay. By using sealed bags, a plastic storage container, and storing clay in a light and cool location, you can effectively prevent mold growth and maintain its optimum moisture content.”

Remember, maintaining the moisture of your pottery clay is key to its successful use in your creative projects. Follow these tips consistently to ensure your clay remains in its best condition for your next artful endeavors!

Preventing Clay Drying Out

Preventing pottery clay from drying out

If you find that your pottery clay is drying out while stored, don’t worry! There are several effective techniques to prevent it from losing moisture.

  • Using a Spray Bottle: One simple method is to use a spray bottle filled with water. Lightly spray the clay to reintroduce moisture, being careful not to oversaturate it. Afterward, seal the bag tightly to retain the moisture.
  • Wet Cloth Method: Another option is to place a damp cloth on top of the clay inside the bag. The cloth will gradually release moisture into the clay, keeping it from drying out. Remember to seal the bag securely to maintain the moisture level.
  • Poking Holes: For a more direct approach, you can poke small holes in the clay and pour water or a mixture of water and vinegar into the holes. This allows the moisture to penetrate the clay from within, ensuring it stays hydrated. Make sure to seal the bag afterwards to prevent excessive evaporation.

By utilizing these methods, you can effectively prevent your pottery clay from drying out, preserving its workability and quality.

Remember to regularly check the moisture level of your stored clay and make adjustments as necessary. By maintaining the ideal moisture content, your clay will be ready for your creative projects whenever inspiration strikes.

Storing Dry Pottery Clay

Storing dry pottery clay

If you have a large amount of clay or don’t plan on using it for a long time, storing it in dry form is a viable option. To store dry pottery clay, follow these steps:

  1. Slice: Begin by slicing the moist clay into smaller, manageable pieces. This will help speed up the drying process and ensure consistent drying throughout.
  2. Dry Completely: Allow the clay to dry completely. This can take several days or even weeks, depending on the humidity and temperature of the storage area. It’s important to ensure the clay is completely dry before storing it to prevent mold growth.
  3. Storage: Once the clay is dry, store it in a plastic bag or container with a tight-fitting lid. This will help keep the clay protected from moisture and dust until you are ready to use it.

When you’re ready to rehydrate the dry clay, follow these steps:

  1. Break and Soak: Break the dry clay into smaller pieces and place them in a container or bucket. Add water to cover the clay, and let it soak for an extended period, usually around 24 hours. This allows the clay to absorb the moisture and become workable again.
  2. Blend and Wedge: After soaking, use a clay mixer to blend the clay and ensure the water is evenly distributed. Alternatively, you can manually wedge the clay by kneading it until it reaches a consistent texture.

Rehydrating dry clay can be a time-consuming process, but using a clay mixer can help streamline the hydration process. Just make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific clay mixer model.

Mold Prevention and Clay Storage Tips

Proper clay storage is crucial for preventing mold growth and maintaining the quality of your pottery clay. Mold tends to thrive in dark and moist environments, so it’s essential to store your clay in well-sealed bags and containers in light and cool areas.

For longer-term storage, you may consider storing clay in the fridge. However, before using it, make sure to allow the clay to warm up to room temperature to avoid any potential cracking or moisture issues.

If you prefer storing clay outdoors, ensure it is tightly sealed to prevent moisture from seeping in. Adequate ventilation and protection from direct sunlight are also important factors to consider.

Moreover, recycling clay is an excellent way to reduce waste and save money. Dry clay scraps can be stored in the bone-dry stage until you’re ready to rehydrate them, helping you make the most out of your pottery materials.

FAQ – How to Store Pottery Clay

How should I store moist pottery clay properly?

The best way to store moist clay is to tightly seal it in thick plastic bags and place it in a plastic storage container. Store the clay in a light and cool location to prevent mold growth. Regularly check the clay to ensure it remains moist and mold-free.

What can I do if my pottery clay starts to dry out while stored?

To keep your clay moist, you can spray a little water over the clay and seal the bag tightly, place a wet cloth on top of the clay inside the bag, or poke holes in the clay and pour water or a water-vinegar mixture into the holes before sealing the bag. These methods help maintain moisture in the clay and prevent it from drying out.

How do I store dry pottery clay?

To store dry pottery clay, slice the moist clay into smaller pieces and allow it to dry completely. Once dry, store the clay in a plastic bag or container with a lid until you are ready to rehydrate it. When rehydrating the clay, break it into smaller pieces, add water, and allow it to absorb the moisture before wedging it well. Some potters use clay mixers to evenly distribute water throughout the clay during the rehydration process.

How can I prevent mold growth in my pottery clay?

Mold thrives in dark and moist environments, so it’s important to store clay in well-sealed bags and containers in light and cool areas. Storing clay in the fridge is an option to keep it moist for longer periods, but it should be allowed to warm up to room temperature before use. Clay can also be safely stored outside as long as it is tightly sealed. Additionally, recycling clay is a great way to minimize waste and save money. Dry clay scraps can be stored in the bone-dry stage until ready for rehydration.


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Tara Andrews is a seasoned ceramic artist and content creator at, where her passion for pottery and ceramic artistry comes to life. Her work is a blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern aesthetic, reflecting her belief in the timeless beauty of ceramics.
Photo of author
Tara Andrews is a seasoned ceramic artist and content creator at, where her passion for pottery and ceramic artistry comes to life. Her work is a blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern aesthetic, reflecting her belief in the timeless beauty of ceramics.